Never lose another real estate lead
Get every lead to the right person and improve speed to lead
One central place for all your leads
- Consistent options for every lead source
- One place to make changes
- Easy to add and remove agents

“We call Follow Up Boss our gold mine. It’s our hub where all of the good things live.”
Emily Smith

A hands-off handoff
- Distribute leads by ZIP code or town
- Send leads from a listing to the listing agent
- Give senior agents high-priced leads
Prioritize speed or balance
First to claim
Instantly alert your team about new leads at once, and give priority to agents who can help first
Round robin
Give your team equal opportunities to new leads by distributing leads one by one, in a repeating cycle
Let your team fish
for ROI from those expensive leads
- Agents can prospect from pond leads freely
- Create multiple ponds for different leads
- Easily give agents access to specific ponds

"One thing that I really love about FUB as opposed to some other systems is the simplicity of it. The more simple you can make things, the better your process will be. It will allow agents to do more transactions and accomplish everything they want in their life."
Kris Lindahl
Why Follow Up Boss?
Unlike any other tech company
Follow Up Boss is 100% real estate-focused and founder-led, so we can focus on a long-term vision for serving the real estate community.
Focused on customer success
Our team of experts is here for you, 7 days a week, via email and phone. Whether you need help getting up and running or have questions about your setup, we’ve got you covered.