FUB Partners

Integration partner form

If you're looking to add your company to our expert directory, you're in the right place.

Follow Up Boss has an open API and is committed to empowering our customers to create their own tech stacks based on their choice of business and marketing integrations. Please complete this form in its entirety so our customers can learn how to best leverage your integration.
1. Company name
2. Description of service
3. Website link
4. Company logo (please upload a square version)
Max file size 10MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
5. Your contact information (include your name and email)
6. Support contact (include name and email of your integration support contact)
7. Marketing contact (include name and email of the best person to contact for marketing efforts)
8. Who at FUB are you currently working with?
9. Select how the integration is setup – choose as many as you like (to select multiple items, hold the Command key on Mac or the Ctrl key on PC)
10. Company categories – choose up to four (to select multiple items, hold the Command key on Mac or the Ctrl key on PC)
11. Describe the security policies and data protection your company follows (i.e.: Why should customers trust your company with their data?)
12. Shared customers (list the names of several shared customers)
13. Integration directory content: Upload a separate doc using this template to provide the content that you'd like to see on your company's page in the Follow Up Boss integration directory. This content should be marketing-focused. Only upload a .doc, NOT a pdf.
Max file size 10MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
14. Help doc content: Upload a separate doc using this template so we can create a help doc for your integration in the Follow Up Boss help center. This should be technical-focused and show people how to set up the integration and troubleshoot common issues. Only upload a .doc, NOT a pdf.
Max file size 10MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
After completing the form, press "submit" below.
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