
Revaluate reveals likely movers in your existing database and enables you to sort and prioritize your database by 'most likely to move' scores

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Developed by
Follow up Boss

Revaluate reveals likely movers in your existing database.  

Using predictive analytics & big data, Revaluate stack ranks your prospect databases, revealing who is most likely to move using a simple to interpret 0-100 scale. Our clients leverage Revaluate to outmaneuver their competition, increase marketing efficiencies, increase previously purchased lead ROI and increase sales.

Revaluate uses Government/Public, Search, Social, and Spend data sources to look for the D’s of Consumer Major Life changes such as Death, Divorce, Diamonds, Diplomas, Downsizing, Dumpsters, and Daily Grind.

There’s a seemingly unlimited number of life events that cause people to move including the Revaluate data D’s. Revaluate looks for indicators of these life events from vast amounts of data from four primary types of data. Revaluate compiles all of that data to find Very Likely Movers. Then breaks that data down into a score out of 100. A Very Likely Mover is any Contact with a score of 80/100 or more.

Revaluate is the lone lightweight, easy to implement, move oriented, prospect scoring system on the market.  

How Revaluate Works:

Follow Up Boss Integration

Revaluate can integrate with your Follow Up Boss account to pull your contacts in and begin monitoring their scores. Revaluate and Follow Up Boss have automated the data sync, and the Revaluate Mover Scores are automatically synced back to Follow Up Boss as a custom field.

  1. To do this, go to the import page and then click the “Import Follow Up Boss Contacts” button.
  2. You’ll need to obtain your API key from Follow Up Boss. Once you have that, enter it into the box that popped up from the previous step.

A few notes about this integration

  • We’ll sync your Follow Up Boss contacts once per week so any new contacts that get added to your Follow Up Boss account will be pulled into Revaluate and monitored.
  • On the settings page you can specify a list of tags to exclude from syncing. That way if you have tagged all your agents or vendors in Follow Up Boss, Revaluate won’t import them.
  • Revaluate also creates a new custom field inside your Follow Up Boss account called “Revaluate Score”. We then push each contact’s score into that field on a daily basis. You can then add that field to your lists and build reports and execute workflows for your likely movers.

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