Core Account Setup for Admins

Short videos to get you running a better real estate business in no time!


Getting All Your Leads Flowing Into FUB

The most important step in starting to increase your conversations is to make sure that your leads are all flowing into one central spot.

Invite Your Team and Get Them Started on the Right Foot

Now that your distribution rules are set, you can invite your team into the system to start routing leads to them and having the system follow up on their behalf.

Automate Your Lead Distribution and Follow Up

Now that your leads are flowing into your Follow Up Boss account automatically, you can set up ‘Action Plans’ and ‘Lead Flow’ to automate repetitive processes and ensure every lead is getting followed up with.

How to Use Smart Lists to Never Lose Another Opportunity

Smart Lists are the secret weapon of highly efficient teams, as they dramatically reduce clicks and eliminate the risk of leads and clients falling through the cracks.

How to Hold Your Team Accountable to Maximize Production

Holding your team accountable is the ‘simple, but not easy’ part of running a productive real estate team. I have personally seen it triple lead conversion rates for a large team in a matter of weeks.

Import Current and Past Clients to Master Closing and Referrals

Centralizing your entire database into one system is crucial to maximizing results across your entire sales process, from new leads to repeats and referrals.