Building trust with prospects is everything in this business. But when your introduction is limited to a phone call, email or text message, your only real measure of how things are going are the vocal cues on the other end of the line.
The pressure to say more with less is real.
You already know the right real estate scripts can help. But does your current script library have what it takes to help you close more sales?
These 12 top-performing scripts are easily adaptable and grounded in common real estate scenarios. And because texting real estate leads is often a client’s preferred form of communication, we’ve also included text versions of each script on this list to help you build a better connection faster.
Real estate scripts: The ultimate list
- Leading with empathy for FSBO leads
- Getting more out of circle prospecting
- The hot market sales real estate script
- Reaching out to recently expired listings
- Warming up internet leads
- Connecting with new leads from open houses
- Leaving a voicemail message
- Getting more reviews
- Reaching out to FRBOs
- Reconnecting with past clients
- Converting sellers
- Converting buyers
1. Leading with empathy for FSBO leads
Property owners looking to sell on their own are usually diving in to save money, not because they’re craving a crash course in real estate transactions.
FSBOs are pretty firm on their decision to protect their “piece of the pie,” but any agent armed with the right approach can pierce through the armor and help them find value in the agent relationship.
Whatever FSBO script you’re using, your goal is to unveil the real reason the seller doesn’t want an agent and go from there.
Here’s an example of an FSBO script to share with your real estate team:
You: Hi, I’ve just found this home for sale, and have a few questions about it. Are you the homeowner?
The Lead: Yes
You: Great! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____. The reason I’m calling is that I have a few potential buyers for this house who’re also very interested in the area. Would you mind telling me what price you’re asking for this house?
The Lead: $313,000
You: Alright! Are you working alongside any real estate agents?
The Lead: No.
You: Gotcha. May I ask you why?
The Lead: I just don’t feel like they can help me.
You: Sure, I understand. Did you have a bad experience in the past?
The Lead: Yes.
You: Trust me, I wouldn't want you to relive that. What I’d like to do is share some pointers with you about selling in the current market to help you get as much money in your pocket as possible. If you decide down the line you’d like to revisit using an agent, you’ll have my info.
Do you have time later this week to meet?
It’s important to empathize with the fact that the FSBO prospect has had a bad experience with a past agent. You need to show them you understand what they went through and rebuild their trust. One way to do that is by offering helpful information, no strings attached.
As soon as you reassure them they won’t lose money working with you, move onto tackling smaller objections and leave some space for a follow-up meeting.
Make it a quick text:
Hello! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____. I noticed a For Sale By Owner sign in your yard. If you’re the owner, I’d like to meet up and give you some ideas on how to get the most money for your property. I’ve been selling in the current market and have a few pointers I’d like to share!
If you’re not the owner, would you mind passing my info along to them?
2. Getting more out of circle prospecting
When you sell one home in an area, you build knowledge that can absolutely help you with future sales.
Circle prospecting is all about spreading your influence in a specific area. The idea here is that you have both location-specific information you’re willing to share and a formal excuse to call people out of the blue.
With the right approach, circle prospecting often bears fruit in the form of real estate leads, referrals, and valuable intel that can help you make other sales in the neighborhood.
The challenge is, you often don’t know the exact position of the person on the other end — whether they’re buying, selling, moving out, or none of the above. That’s why circle prospecting scripts are written in broader strokes.
Improvisation in these conversations is a given and the only parts of your real estate script that you can perfect ahead of time are your opening and closing. “Accept that most homeowners won't be ready to sell and won't know someone who is,” says Dale Archdekin, founder of Smart Inside Sales.
“The purpose of your circle prospecting call should be to get their permission to add them to your database. If you HAPPEN to find someone thinking of buying or selling in the short term...that's a bonus.”
Here’s an example script from Dale of a circle prospecting conversation done right:
You: Hello! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____. I recently sold a home in your area and the owners mentioned some of their neighbors might be interested in selling. We still have some interested buyers. Do you own your home?
The Lead: Yes, I do.
You: Have you thought about listing it?
The Lead: Not for a while.
You: Gotcha. I’d like to let you know one of the key factors helping sellers decide to list their homes right now is [insert fact related to your local market].
The Lead: That’s good to know, but I’m still not sure I want to sell my home.
At this juncture, you don’t want to come off pushy but you do want to make a good enough impression that you garner a strong lead.
You: I completely understand. Selling isn’t a quick decision. How about this — some of your neighbors have asked me to keep them in the loop on home sales and prices in your neighborhood. I can send you the same info. What’s your email address?
Follow up by asking if they know anybody interested in buying or selling, but be sure to wait to ask until the conversation’s end to keep it natural and organic.
Make it a quick text:
Hi, my name is ____ and I’m working with ____. I recently sold a home in your area and the owners mentioned some of their neighbors might be interested in selling. If you’re in the market right now, I’d like to find time to sit down and learn about your situation. If not, some of your neighbors have asked me to keep them in the loop on home sales and prices in your neighborhood. I can send you the same info via email. Does this work for you?
3. The hot market sales real estate script
Any agent can work with standard prospecting techniques and scripts, but experienced agents know that success comes when you go that extra mile and create opportunities for yourself.
Sometimes this means being a bit more aggressive in your approach. But keep in mind, there is always a line. Focus on creating a sense of urgency, exclusivity, or an opportunity that your client can use to their advantage.
Here’s a more sales-focused script you can present to hot-market prospects:
You: Hello, this is ____ and I work with ____. We were in touch about a year ago when you were considering listing your current home and moving into something better suited for your growing family. Did you make that jump?
The Lead: No, it wasn’t the right time for us. There’s so much we still need to fix before we sell this house and we haven’t had time.
You: I remember there was a lot on your plate then! I wanted to reach out because there’s currently a huge demand for homes your size and I know of several properties becoming available that have a lot of the features you and I talked about before we set things on the back burner. Are you in a position to take advantage of your home’s selling potential?
The Lead: There’s just so much to do and we don’t want to lose out on any money we could make if we sell our home with these repairs.
You: Understandable! We want you to get the most for your home. I have quite a few contacts that specialize in the repairs you need. Do you mind if I get a hold of them and see if we can get some quotes and timetables? At least then you’ll know what it would take to finally move into the new home you’ve been after!
This script plays on a prior relationship with a cold lead in need of rekindling, but the same principles apply to other prospects: The market is hot for your home. We have other properties in mind for you. Do you want to strike a deal now while conditions are favorable?
You can tweak this script for a call or create real estate emails to potential clients using varying versions of this template.
Make it a quick text:
Hello, this is ____ and I work with ____. We were in touch about a year ago when you were considering listing your home and moving into something better suited for your growing family. Did you make that jump? If so, I hope everything is going smoothly😊. If you didn’t, I’d love to hear about where things are at for you now and how I can help!
4. Reaching out to recently expired listings
Expired listings are often seen as low hanging fruit, but you want to stay cautious when going after these deals. Don’t rush to assign blame or criticize the approach of a previous agent.
Clients are usually emotional at this stage for two reasons:
- The sale didn’t take off
- TONS of agents are calling the owner eager to take over the listing
The goal is to understand what went wrong with the listing, and the client’s stance on it. When you get that down, you can easily move from discovering the problem to remedying it.
Use non-direct questions such as, “What qualities, in your opinion, should the right agent have to effectively represent you?” and “What actions did the previous agent do that you liked?”
To build trust, try giving out free information in the form of marketing advice.
Below is a script that Mike Ferry, founder of one of the leading real estate coaching companies in North America and Europe, often recommends for expired listings:
You: Hi, I’m looking for _______. Hi _______, my name is _______ with _______ I’m sure you’ve figured out that your home came up on our computer as an expired listing and I was calling to see …
From here you walk them through the following questions:
1. When do you plan on interviewing the right agent for the job of selling your home? (Never) Terrific! / Really!
2. If you sold this home, where would you go next? (LA) That’s exciting!
3. How soon do you have to be there? (Already) Ouch!
4. ________, what do you think stopped your home from selling? (The agent) Really!
5. How did you happen to pick the last agent you listed with? (Referral) Great!
6. What did that agent do that you liked best? (Nothing) Ouch!
7. What do you feel they should have done? (Sold my house) Really!
8. What will you expect from the next agent you choose? (Sell my house) Terrific!
9. Have you already chosen an agent to work with? (No) Wonderful!
10. I would like to apply for the job of selling your home. Are you familiar with the techniques I use to sell homes? (No) You’re Kidding!
11. What would be the best time to show you. Monday or Tuesday at ____?
Make it a quick text:
Hello! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____. I’m sure you’ve figured out that your home came up on our computer as an expired listing. I believe your home should’ve sold for you and I have some questions about why it didn’t. If you have time next week and are still hoping to sell, I’d like to meet with you to learn what you expect from your next agent and share my ideas on what we can do to make this sale happen for you!
5. Warming up internet leads
Internet leads are warmer by nature because you usually have additional information about the person you’re contacting. For example, you may already know what listings are attracting their attention, or what other real estate landing pages they visited.
With the right approach, these clues can help take your internet leads from lukewarm to hot.
Take it from Barry Jenkins of Virginia-based Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate Native American Group. Using the following script, Barry and his team noticed an average 15% conversation to appointment ratio:
He recommends delivering this script in your best ‘I don’t make commission I’m just a customer service person’ voice:
You: “I was going through my files and didn’t see if you ever bought that home you were looking for? I wanted to update the notes...”
Then let your voice trail off and be quiet.
Or, if a potential buyer responds by inquiring about a certain property they saw online, your goal is to regain control over the conversation as soon as possible.
Potential clients will ask you all sorts of questions about the home and chances are you might not know everything. If you don’t know something, be honest. Reassure the buyer you’ll find the answer and simply move the conversation towards discovering more about their needs.
Follow Up Boss’s customer success manager Lyndon recommends the following three open-ended questions to regain control over the conversation:
- When would you like to go to see it?
- What else would you like to see?
- What interests you about this property?
Asking these questions switches the focus from the property in question to the buyer’s broader needs, providing you the opportunity to establish yourself as a trusted advisor in the market.
Make it a quick text:
Hello, this is ____ and I work with ____. I was going through my files and didn’t see if you ever bought that home you were looking for? I wanted to check in and ask if there’s anything we can do for you now?
6. Connecting with new leads from open houses
Experienced real estate professionals know that hosting an open house rarely leads to a direct sale. But that doesn’t mean they can’t become a high-octane lead channel for your business.
Rainmaking agents use open houses to:
- Uncover potential listings in the area
- Find potential buyers for other homes
- Generate new referrals
- Launch door-to-door prospecting
Team leader Kyle Handy of eXp Realty has a great open house script for getting passive visitors thinking seriously about buying:
The Lead: We’re just looking around right now and aren’t really ready to buy.
You: That’s great. It’s always good to look first and get a sense of the market. Are there things about this property that you’re looking for? Things that you dislike? I have a few listings that you might like at [neighborhood], as well as another upcoming open house at [address].
Kyle reveals the strategy behind this script is to validate the lead’s intent to buy through encouraging them to think about what they want. “As they think about what they want, they may become more eager to commit,” explains Kyle.
Make it a quick text:
Hello, this is ____ and I work with ____. I wanted to thank you for coming to the open house at ____! Were there things about this property you’re looking for in your next home? If you’re interested, I’d like to sit down with you and learn about the type of home you’re after and see what I can find available or coming available! When works best for you?
Bonus: How to ask for sign-ins at open houses
After organizing an open house, your main goal is to capture as many leads as possible during the process. Maximize your potential with these three lead-generating open house scripts:
Script #1: Keep you in the loop
“I’d love to keep you in the loop with any updates on this property and let you know when similar ones come on the market. I know it can be hard to stay current in such a hot market.”
Purpose: Give them a reason to sign-in by clearly articulating the value of the information they will receive from you in return for sharing their contact information.
Script #2: The open house prizewinner
“I’m going to be selecting one winner from everyone in attendance today to receive a [prize you’re giving away] and contacting the lucky winner via email, so be sure to sign in so you don’t miss out!”
Purpose: Run a contest to encourage people to leave their contact details, make it fun for them to register, and use it as an easy ice breaker.
Script #3: The first-to-know open house script
“Thank you for coming and I hope you enjoyed your tour! I would be happy to keep you informed on any updates about this property. Also, I met a couple other homeowners in the neighborhood today who are considering listing their home on the market soon. I’d love to stay in touch and make sure you’re the first to know about any new properties before they come onto the market.”
Purpose: Build rapport with the visitor first before asking them to share their contact to stay in touch before they leave.
You can then amplify your open house follow up by setting up real estate drip emails inside your real estate CRM for prospects you know have prioritized visiting open houses in their home search.
7. Leaving a voicemail message
Phone calls often go straight to voicemail and feel like a missed opportunity. However, it’s quite the opposite.
Consider voicemail as a warm-up that is especially effective when it’s your first contact with the homeowner. If you leave an engaging voice message, your next call will come off as if it’s from someone already familiar with the prospect, rather than a complete stranger.
Don’t give out too much information in your message. The goal is to intrigue the prospect without taking too much of their time.
The most successful approach usually involves using additional information about a prospect or their area.
Real Estate website builder and marketing service powerhouse Luxury Presence taps into these principles with their own take on a real estate voicemail script:
You: Hello Sarah, This is Jane from Luxury Presence. I’m calling because we recently listed our homes in your area at low rates and would like to hear your thoughts. I’ll contact you again perhaps next week, or you can call me at [your phone number]. I hope to hear from you soon!
The content of the voicemail tells the lead you’ve researched and know about their neighborhood, potentially getting the wheels turning in their head on the value of their home and encouraging them to list it.
Better yet? You can easily revamp this voicemail script into a text message.
8. Getting more reviews
Have you ever seen a mixed reviews label? Now try and remember where. Chances are, you can’t.
That’s exactly what happens with the real estate brands that don’t work on their reviews — no one remembers them.
Thankfully, Justin Landis and his Atlanta real estate group shared some valuable tips for getting as many real estate reviews and testimonials as possible.
Start by introducing the idea of a review during a buyer’s consult or listing appointment:
You: We want your experience to be a 5-star experience so that you are willing to share it in an online review. So many people go online and look for reviews before they even reach out to us. We want them to see how much we care!
With that in mind, we will be checking in throughout the process to make sure that we are providing that high level of service, and we also want you to let us know if there’s anything that we can do better.
Then, follow up at closing:
You: It’s been so great working with you! I’m really happy how things worked out and hope you are too. If you remember, when we first met, I told you that we wanted to help you make a wise decision and to earn your future referrals and reviews. Have we done that?
If so, we’ll be reaching out to get feedback and let you know how you can share your excellent experience with others!
Make it a quick text:
You can use these scripts pretty much verbatim as reminder texts following your first appointment, and at closing!
9. Reaching out to FRBOs
Speaking with landlords requires a smart, well-researched plan of attack.
Many landlords rely on the residual income of their properties. Owners can offset maintenance, utilities, and other fees by increasing rent, but what happens when rentals aren’t renting?
In his sit-down with REDX, Northidge, California-based agent Edward Estrada approaches FRBOs full speed ahead.
The idea is to find out how long the property has been vacant and plant the idea of selling the property should it remain vacant for too long, ultimately impacting the owner’s income stream. This approach, coupled with property-specific data, can sway a lead’s thought process.
The script (with data) goes something like this:
The Lead: Yes, the home is vacant. It’s been for rent about a month and a half, but I haven’t thought about selling. . .
You: I definitely understand where you’re coming from! I’d like to give you some information to think about. Our local real estate market has a huge demand for homes but a limited inventory. You have the option to list this property and make upwards of X% more [multiply the annual rent amount by 10, compare to property comps, and find how much more the home is worth if sold] over renting the property for the next decade. Is this an option you’d like to hear more about?
Make it a quick text:
Hello! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____. I’ve noticed a rental sign on [property address] for roughly a month and am curious if you’ve thought about listing the property? There’s a huge demand for homes in our area and I think you’d be surprised to learn how much more you can get from selling the home versus renting it. Do you have time this week for a quick phone call?
10. Reconnecting with past clients
Your sphere of influence is a powerful tool for capturing new leads.
When a past client has a great experience with you, they tend to let their circle of friends, family, and colleagues know.
Real estate website creator Placester advises agents on scripts through their Marketing Academy.
When contacting past clients for referrals, this easy-to-use script is just the ticket:
You: Hi, [client name]. It’s [your name]. How’s everything been with you and the new home? [Await response] That’s fantastic. Hey, I was wondering if you know of anyone who’s looking to buy soon in the area?
If they do know somebody in the market, respond with:
You: Well, listen, I’d definitely appreciate it if you can provide me with their contact info. I’d love to connect with them to see if I can help out. Would that be okay?
If they don’t know somebody in the market, respond with:
You: Not a problem! I’m glad to reconnect with you, obviously. Let’s keep in touch. Chat with you again soon!
Pro Tip:
Unless you know for sure the client prefers texting, you shouldn’t sacrifice the personal connection needed for this call. Too much time has passed for a text to make a quality impression.
11. Converting sellers
No matter where you’re at in your real estate career, there are times when the seller pipeline is emptier than it should be.
Drumming up new listings business means throwing it back to prior leads or prospecting for new ones. So what are the essential questions for every seller?
Real estate coaching juggernaut Tom Ferry knows them by heart.
In his video, 4 Scripts to Maximize Listing Opportunities Right Now!, Tom urges agents to ask their sellers four questions:
- Are you living in your dream home right now?
- With everything happening, have you had any thoughts of selling?
- With the tremendous increase in buyer demand and few great homes for buyers to buy today, I have to ask you, at what price would you become motivated to become a seller?
- Do you know anybody who’s thinking about selling?
You might not get to all these questions. That’s ok.
You’ll want to explore where the conversation naturally flows. But keeping these questions in mind when you’re speaking to potential sellers, whether on the phone or in-person, you’ll have the right information to convert a lead into a client.
Make it a quick text:
Hello! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____. With the tremendous increase in buyer demand and few great homes, I have to ask you, at what price would you become motivated to become a seller? If you’re not living in your dream home right now, let’s find a time to talk about how we can make it happen.
12. Converting buyers
Arizona REALTOR® and mentor Stefanie Lugo, knows a thing or two about appealing to real estate buyers.
In her 3 Critical Scripts Every Real Estate Agent Needs To Know video, Stefanie makes a broad appeal to buyers who know they want to purchase a home sometime in the future, but aren’t sure about the when, where, or why. Buying a home is an idea in their heads, but not a solid one.
In these instances, give Stefanie’s Scenario 2 script a try:
You: I know you’re not looking to buy tomorrow but when you do go to buy your next house, what would you change about where you’re living right now?
The Lead: Well, you know right now we have three bedrooms, which was plenty of space when we moved in, but our family is growing in the next six months and so we know we’re going to need more space. While we’re at it, we’d love a pool. I’m not sure if that’s even something we can achieve. But it’s such a bucket list item. We know that in the next house that’s something we would love to consider as an option.
By asking an open-ended question related to the future, you’ll hook your lead’s interest in the conversation, allowing them space to reveal new home aspirations you can then turn into benchmarks for hunting down their next home.
Make it a quick text:
Hello! My name is ____ and I’m working with ____. I saw your information come through our database and I wanted to take a moment to connect. It looks like you’re interested in purchasing a new home. Do you have time for a quick call later this week? I’d like to find out what you would change about where you’re living right now and how we can help you find a better fit!
Practice. Deliver. Convert.
As Tom Ferry reminds us,” Professionals practice and that’s how they got there.”
A high-converting real estate script is about more than memorizing lines. It’s about understanding the underlying principles behind these scripts and working those elements of learning and persuasion into your daily prospecting routine.